Kano Collection

Imole Pouffe Turquoise


imole (Yoruba): Light

Infuse your home with bright colours and vibrant patterns with the turquoise Imole pouffe, by London interior and textile designer Eva Sonaike.

Inspired by the ornate decorations of Hausa buildings in Northern Nigeria’s largest city Kano, the Imole pouffe will create a focal point in any living space.

Handmade in the UK, the Imole pouffe is great as a stool in your dressing room, additional seating on a dining table, a side table or just a stylish place to rest your feet. Perfect for both comfort and making a bold statement.


Additional Information

• Made in the UK

• Dimensions Ø40XH45cm

• Wooden framework with internal foam padding and printed cotton cover by Eva Sonaike

• Dust or vacuum only